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Latest News November 15, 2022

Kellie Headshot 2Staff Grand Rounds is a quarterly event that offers educational content to staff on professional development and advancement, engagement, and other unique topics.

Hosted by the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, the series is unique because it is entirely staff driven. The Staff Diversity Liaisons, a group representing departments at Heersink School of Medicine, manage the curriculum. The group cultivates topics, content, and speaker ideas for Staff Grand Rounds directly from staff members in their area.

The second event in the series is presented by Kellie Carter, Ph.D., senior leadership development specialist. Carter’s talk, “Managing Up and Beyond,” is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 9 at noon CST on Zoom.

Carter says an important part of job satisfaction is having a positive relationship with your manager. “Managing up is a concept that uses strategies to manage and maintain an effective, productive relationship with your manager, which in turn will help you both be more productive.”

“Managing up and beyond is a way of using the same strategies in other professional relationships, such as the mentoring relationship.”

Carter works in the Leadership Development Office (LDO) under the direction of Jean Ann Larson, Ph.D.

In her role, Carter and the LDO team help to develop leadership skill sets for current and future leaders in Heersink School of Medicine and the Health System.

Sign up for the next Staff Grand Rounds here.

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