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Latest News January 30, 2024

The threat of severe weather can lead to uncertainty and confusion. It is important to be aware of the systems UAB has in place for severe weather closures, and how they may affect you.

Weather closures do not always mean the same thing for all personnel. It’s essential to note that UAB and UAB Medicine may have different closure policies. Employees should be aware of this when receiving emails and follow the respective guidelines provided by their employed organization. This Q&A is designed to help you know what to do when UAB closes or makes adjustments to its business operations.

Q: How will I know when UAB closes?
A: UAB closures will be announced via B-Alert. If you’re not already signed up to receive B-Alert messages, you should register at www.uab.edu/emergency.

Q: My B-Alert mentioned weather groups. What are weather groups?
A: All students, faculty, and staff are assigned weather groups, based on their entity within UAB. These groups are GREEN, YELLOW, and RED.
• GREEN entities always close during weather cancellations. This group includes students, faculty, and non-essential staff.
• YELLOW entities may or may not close depending on the severity of the weather, as well as decisions by management and supervisors. Examples of these entities include UAB clinics.
• RED entities, such as UAB Hospital and the UAB Police Department, never close in the event of severe weather.
For more information, visit www.uab.edu/emergency/weather.

Q: How do I know what my weather group is?
A: You can locate your weather group by clicking the WEATHER GROUP tile in the UAB app. You can also visit the Check My Group feature at www.uab.edu/emergency/weather

Q: Is my Weather Group the same as my Workgroup Assignment?
A: No. Weather Groups only determine your designation for severe weather, while Workgroup Assignments are specific to an employee’s job responsibilities. Employees should recognize the distinction between the two and be aware that being a part of a particular workgroup does not automatically imply inclusion in the corresponding Weather Group. For more information about Workgroup Assignments, visit www.uab.edu/humanresources/home/wfgroups.

Q: My question wasn’t answered here. Where can I get more information?
A: You can get more information by visiting www.uab.edu/emergency/weather, or by calling the UAB Bad Weather Hotline (934-2165). 

It’s also important for teams to regularly touch base, especially when bad weather is anticipated. Reminding each other of protocols and ensuring everyone is informed can contribute to a smoother response during these events.

A proactive approach is key for navigating unpredictable weather conditions. Staying informed of procedures, resources, and your Weather Group, as well as having regular conversations as a team, can help reduce confusion and have everyone managing weather-related challenges with confidence.

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