UAB now has far and away the fastest supercomputer in Alabama, accelerating the volume and speed at which transformational education, research and medical care can occur.
A UAB researcher is investigating antihypertensive drugs in search of those that not only treat high blood pressure, but also boost mobility and independence in older Americans.
These results, seen in animal models, represent a potentially novel therapeutic target for the treatment of seizure disorders.
A UAB Infectious Diseases physician discusses bacteria found in food-borne illnesses and why you should wash your hands.
Leaders in HIV research and treatment gather at UAB to address laws that prohibit gay men from donating blood.
An article written by Division of Preventive Medicine Professor Stefan Kertesz, M.D., calls for better understanding, policy and treatment for opioid addiction.
The Division of Orthopaedic Surgery in the Department of Surgery became the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery on October 1, 2017.
Daniel A. Portnoy, Ph.D., one of the world’s foremost experts on Listeria monocytogenes, will speak at the 2017 Susan Roberts Dubay Endowed Lecture on Nov. 7. 
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