Comprehensive eye exams can detect a variety of eye conditions that, left untreated in a child, could result in partial or complete loss of vision later in life.
UAB’s Civitan Rett Syndrome Clinic has been named a Center of Excellence by, one of the nation’s leading advocacy groups.
After years of pain and excessive and prolonged menstrual cycle bleeding, Venita Gowdy found relief at UAB after undergoing a fibroid embolization in lieu of hysterectomy.
A fatty acid-derived bioactive molecule called lipoxin improved heart function after a heart attack, as the lipoxin prompted early activation of the resolving phase of the immune response.
The ProAssurance Endowed Chair for Physician Wellness at UAB will help address health issues unique to physicians as they deal with the stress and pressures associated with providing care in today’s evolving health care environment.
These new results, led by primary author Warner Huh, M.D., strengthen the promise that vaccination with Gardasil 9 can reduce 90 percent of cervical cancers.
Surgeon Mark Deierhoi has performed more than 2,200 kidney transplants in his career and trained hundreds of students who say his patience as a teacher has had a tremendous impact.
UAB provides ovarian cancer care beyond traditional interventions to include nutrition, supportive care, counseling and genetic testing.
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