The School of Medicine Class of 2021 began their medical school careers this week with orientation.
Pediatric neurosurgeons, oncologists and molecular imaging physicians continue to work toward better diagnoses, treatments and cures for childhood cancer.
Parents who listen to their children’s interests could help them be more successful and well-rounded in their extracurricular activities.
UAB Medicine tapped Keith A. (Tony) Jones, M.D., as its first chief physician executive, a position created as a part of the Organizing for Success (OFS) initiative.
This potential chemotherapeutic agent to treat glioblastoma — a primary brain tumor with dismal survival rates — is a novel small molecule inhibitor.
Starting from scratch rather than continuing to build on a faulty foundation.
Dr. Swetz has been named editor of the Journal of Palliative Care
This year 73 college students participated in the UAB Summer Health Professions Education Program.
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