Seven rising second-year medical students have been chosen for the first class of the School of Medicine’s new Health Equity Scholars Program, created earlier this year to prepare students with skills to work with medically underserved populations.
Sadis Matalon, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Hon), distinguished professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, has been tapped to become editor-in-chief of the American Physiological Society’s Physiological Reviews effective January 2018.
UAB neurosurgery’s commitment to quality care is reflected in outcomes that beat national averages in key measurements.
A UAB symposium on cardiovascular tissue engineering brought together some of the best in the business in this rapidly developing field of translational medicine.
The annual symposium May 15 will provide help and support for cancer patients and survivors.
The first target for the UAB spinoff Incysus Ltd. will be glioblastoma. Incysus has just received a European patent for its innovative approach to fighting cancer.
Investigators will have a state-of-the-art space to conduct safe and age-appropriate clinical research to advance the science and treatment of childhood diseases.
The School of Medicine will hold its annual commencement ceremony Saturday, May 20 at Bartow Arena.
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