A meeting for advice on a business matter turned into “a moment of divine intervention,” leading one Birmingham man to become a living donor.
Donald J. Buchsbaum, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology, is the sixth UAB faculty member enrolled in the National Academy of Inventors.
Divyank Saini is one of 17 employees who interpret lab samples to determine whether living- and deceased-donor transplants are possible. Now he is a donor in the world’s longest kidney transplant chain.
UAB will create a labyrinth on the floor of the Holmes Pavilion to promote wellness and healing for patients, family and staff.
Contrary to advertisements, bumper pads and stuffed animals are not part of a safe sleep environment for infants.
UAB will study a drug originally developed for Parkinson’s disease that may help reduce breath holding in patients with Rett syndrome.
This rapidly fatal brain cancer has seen only two improvements in therapy in 30 years, and research findings are pointing toward a unique new human clinical trial in 2017. 
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