Fourteen-year-old Angelynn Luckado’s cystic fibrosis ravaged her organs, leading to an extensive hospital stay, an extremely rare and complicated transplant, and now a hope for a healthier life thanks to an organ donor.
Artists will create spectacular works of art in the blink of an eye during the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center’s annual ArtBLINK Gala 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, in The Kirklin Clinic, 2000 Sixth Ave. South.
Roy Curtiss, III, Ph.D., professor at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, will present at the 28th annual lecture. 
Measure of Mpl gene expression reveals a heterogonous population of leukemia stem cells: one group leukemic and the other group non-leukemic.
Surgeons from around the world gather at UAB to learn more about robotic assisted surgery.
More evidence that generic medications are as effective as brand name drugs.
Through lectures, hands-on cooking classes, and follow-up discussions, the class will teach Tuscaloosa medical students and residents, as well as CHES nutrition students, how to better educate patients about their diets.
Lead author of paper published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal says, while causal relationship cannot be inferred, findings are “absolutely encouraging.”
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