The Department of Radiology has recently appointed new vice chairs for education, clinical research, quality control and patient safety, and translational research.
Elevated PARP1 polymerase in HER2+ breast cancer may confer susceptibility to PARP inhibitor drugs.
The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center’s April 30 Fiesta Ball at Iron City will fund the work of UAB’s young cancer research scientists.
The conference will feature lectures and panel discussions on innovation education in topics such as informatics, executive education, health care delivery, insurance, technology, global health and nursing management.
UAB physician chosen to lead state chapter of the American College of Physicians.
AIDS cases in the Deep South have substantially increased in recent years. An upcoming Summit will address the issue April 17.
UAB is implanting one-way valves in patients with severe emphysema in an effort to reduce their overall lung volume, which improves lung function.
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