In this preliminary analysis, the first human study treatment neither built up in organs nor destroyed the bone marrow’s ability to make blood cells.
Weight-loss researcher hopes to prove brief but intensive follow-up care bolsters dieters’ motivation and prevents relapse.
Ophthalmologists at the UAB Callahan Eye Foundation say fireworks are best left to the professionals.
UAB Neurology study adds to evidence that massive, second-wave reaction kills nerve cells.
A research partnership with the Jefferson County Department of Health could lead to the first new antibiotic treatment for gonorrhea in more than a decade.
The finding may help to avert more of the bleeds and blood clots that come when a patient’s starting dose misses the drug’s narrow safety window.
Work may provide insight into drug design for autism, movement disorders.
Partridge, director of the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, was honored by the American Cancer Society for his exceptional talents and his commitment to make progress towards finishing the fight against cancer.
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