On Thursday, May 18, UAB celebrated Clinical Trials Day. Since 2020, UAB has averaged nearly 300 new clinical trials annually.

The Board of Visitors will be officially welcoming three new members this October – Dr. John Gallin, Sara Finley, and Gordon Lee.

Endowed appointments are vital to faculty recruitment, retention, and support. This spring, we honored our newly endowed chairs and professors and celebrated newly established endowments.

During his first six months as dean of the Heersink School of Medicine, Dr. Anupam Agarwal has been consistently active in the school's regional campuses. Early in his new appointment, Agarwal visited each campus and met with leadership to discuss student and faculty needs. Additionally, our Montgomery Regional Medical Campus hosted the inaugural Montgomery Health Policy Meeting and is looking at ways to collaborate with the Equal Justice Initative (EJI) in the future.

The Heersink School of Medicine could not provide groundbreaking research, world-class medical training, and nationally recognized patient care without its incredibly hardworking and talented faculty and staff. We believe that recognizing exceptional individuals within our organization is crucial to expressing our gratitude to them as well as our value in their work. We celebrate our faculty and staff both through internal awards and by recognizing their external honors.

The annual ArtBLINK Gala returned to the UAB Kirklin Clinic Feb. 4 and raised more than $900,000 for the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center.

UAB is an ever-expanding community, and growth begins with leadership. That is why we are so proud that, from February 1-June 30, 18 new full-time faculty members joined the Heersink School of Medicine, and a number of existing faculty members assumed new leadership roles. Two examples of these dedicated, engaging, innovative and inspiring individuals who bring fresh ideas and perspectives to our school are Herbert Chen, M.D., FACS, and J. Victor Garcia-Martinez, Ph.D.

In March 2023, UAB celebrated the Medical Alumni Association’s 50th Annual Medical Alumni Weekend, the 70th Anniversary of Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the 15th Anniversary of UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center. These milestones serve as an excellent opportunity to look at where we started and a reminder to look forward to all we wish to achieve.
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