Kendra Carter

Kendra Carter


As a communications director in the UAB School of Medicine, Carter leads and executes communications strategy in medical education and for the school’s regional campuses in Huntsville and Montgomery.

Before joining UAB in 2013, Carter worked as a staff writer at Alabama newspapers for 5 years, then shifted her career focus from journalism to communications and public relations. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Auburn University and a master’s degree in public administration from UAB.

Christina J. Grabowski, Ph.D., an expert in in medical school holistic admissions, will join the UAB School of Medicine as the new associate dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management on March 1.
F. Stanford Massie Jr., M.D., professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the UAB School of Medicine, was recently awarded the Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges. 
Longtime faculty member Boni E. Elewski, M.D., tapped to lead Department of Dermatology.
Andrew Headrick, a fourth-year M.D./MPH student, served as a combat medic in Afghanistan with the U.S. Army prior to beginning his medical school career at UAB.
The Pittman Scholars, named for the late James A. Pittman, M.D., are junior faculty members nominated by their department chairs based on research achievements and potential for continued discovery in the basic or clinical sciences.
Medical students are observing the fifth annual Joining Forces Wellness Week with student-driven lunch lecture events to increase awareness of the nuanced healthcare needs of veterans and their families.
The General Endowment Fund of the UA Health Services Foundation has announced its annual faculty grants, awarding over $1.5 million to UAB faculty for projects in clinical care, patient research, medical education and laboratory research. 
Students from the UAB School of Medicine are spending Saturday mornings in September at the East Lake Farmer’s Market in Birmingham, preparing and serving samples of nutritious and affordable dishes each week to showcase the benefits of healthy eating and its impact on a person’s health.
Lanita S. Carter, Ph.D., director of Medical Education and Students Services for the Huntsville Regional Medical Campus, has been named chair of the Steering Committee for the Association of American Medical Colleges' Group on Regional Medical Campuses.
James H. Willig, M.D., MSPH, associate professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, has been named the assistant dean for Clinical Education, a new position that will strengthen collaborative and coordinated clinical training for medical students.
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