UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

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President Ray Watts, M.D., discusses strategic planning, priorities for the future and outstanding opportunities lying ahead.
Pathology‘s Angela Kidd is UAB's Employee of the Month for September.
Leaders in obesity research and clinical care will provide scientific insight, consumer wellness information and expert spokespersons for the media.
UAB Hospital Interim CEO Anthony Patterson has been selected to serve as the hospital’s Senior Vice President of Inpatient Services.
The School of Medicine will hold this year’s White Coat Ceremony at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18 in the Alys Stephens Center.
Changes include creating a COO position, creating a new quality structure and implementing an Administrative Services Organization.
The award is presented annually to a full-time regular UAB faculty member who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to teaching.
Will Ferniany, Ph.D., CEO of UAB Health System, was named one of the “100 Leaders of Great Hospitals in America."
School of Medicine Commencement ceremony is Sunday in Bartow Arena, 617 13th St. South. The doors open at noon; ceremony begins at 1 p.m.
Ameen Barghi of Birmingham and Miranda Collier of Dothan were named 2013 Goldwater Scholars by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship in Excellence in Education Foundation.
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