Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

“Human studies suggest DMPA use may raise the risk of HIV infection in exposed women by about 40 percent,” said Zdenek Hel, Ph.D., professor in the UAB Department of Pathology and a co-author of the study. Research indicates alternative contraception methods may reduce the risk in vulnerable populations.
Patients with such mutations potentially need increased disease surveillance and show a high predisposition to develop malignancies.
Daniel Gorelick, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at UAB, has created zebrafish mutants in four different receptors that respond to estrogens. He has used the mutants to help unravel a novel mechanism of estrogen action on heart physiology.
The award honors his distinguished contributions to neuroscience, particularly for discovery of gliotransmission.
This more comprehensive approach may be needed to find ways to delay the progressive heart failure.
Such basic research supports the goal of using stem cells in therapy, where an important hurdle is efficient differentiation.
This award from the AABB honors the top paper published in the journal Transfusion.
Inhibition of this microRNA might improve response to newer diabetes drugs, such as Byetta, Victoza, Trulicity, Januvia, Onglyza and Tradjenta.
UAB gets a CDC grant to set up a sentinel surveillance system to track an antibiotic resistant infectious agent responsible for many cases of pneumonia.
This structure will further explain how the virus infects human cells and how progeny viruses are assembled, and it may be a point of attack to disarm the virus.
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