Department of Neurosurgery

Martina Gonzalez-Gomez, M.D., M.Sc., program manager for the Global Neurosurgery program in the Department of Neurosurgery, and James Johnston, M.D., professor in the Department of Neurosurgery and director of the Pediatric Neurosurgery division, co-instruct the Global Surgery course. In 2023, we met with Gonzalez-Gomez and Johnston to learn more about their vision for the course, which launched with the introduction of the UAB Master of Science in Global Health (MSGH) program offered by the UAB Heersink School of Medicine and the UAB School of Public Health (SOPH).

The complexity of the human brain has long been an enigma that neuroscientists have sought to untangle. Now, new technology at UAB will act as a critical tool to help researchers and clinicians interpret the brain in unprecedented ways.

Graduate Biomedical Sciences (GBS) at UAB recently welcomed its new class of GBS students pursuing their Ph.D. across eight interdisciplinary training themes. The GBS Doctoral Training Program provides interdisciplinary education and mentorship while allowing GBS trainees to perform doctoral research in more than 350 labs across campus.

Heersink School of Medicine awarded nine staff members as the 2024 Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff winners. Individuals selected for this honor showcased outstanding accomplishments beyond their daily duties and contributed considerably to Heersink’s core mission areas – education, clinical care, and basic, translational, and clinical research.

In a recent study, UAB researchers found that rather than stimulating both sides of the brain using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), unilateral right DBS may avoid DBS-related declines in verbal fluency and response inhibition in patients with movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

Thirty-three individuals comprising seven teams recently graduated from UAB Medicine’s High Performing Care Collaborative summer 2024 program. The program, presented by UAB Medicine’s Leadership Development Office, recognized its graduates at a ceremony on Aug. 14, 2024.

UAB recently hosted a VR/AR Association meeting that brought together innovators and experts from across the country to explore the application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in solving real-world challenges.

Twenty-eight UAB employees recently graduated from the Emerging Leaders Series (ELS) Spring 2024 program. In its pilot year, the program, presented by UAB Medicine’s Leadership Development Office (LDO), recognized its first cohort of graduates at a ceremony on May 23, 2024.

Twenty exceptional faculty members were honored with the 2024 Dean’s Excellence Awards for their outstanding contributions across service, teaching, research, diversity enhancement, and mentorship within the School of Medicine.

The Heersink School of Medicine Office for Diversity and Inclusion hosted the annual Women in Medicine and Science Promotion Reception April 11, which recognized women faculty promoted at the end of 2023. The honorees and their guests were greeted by Heersink leadership to celebrate their remarkable achievements.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine saw great success in acquiring research funding in 2023, making significant strides in securing resources to advance human health through biomedical discovery.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is an international awareness week observed during the second week of March.

James Johnston, M.D., and Martina Gonzalez-Gomez, M.D., M.Sc., partnered to create a global surgery course to equip students with a holistic understanding of surgical care's pivotal role in public health, healthcare systems, and international development.

The Mary Heersink Institute for Global Health hosted guest seminar speaker James Johnston, M.D., professor in the UAB Department of Neurosurgery and director of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellowship, on Tuesday, Feb. 6.

Nine Heersink staff members were honored at the 2023 Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff reception. Recipients, guests, and Heersink leaders gathered in the Wallace Tumor Institute Lobby on Sept. 14 to celebrate the inaugural group of honorees. Read about this year's honorees and see photos from the reception.

Donna Bailer, executive administrator in the Department of Neurosurgery, has been selected as a recipient of the inaugural Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff.

Heersink School of Medicine is proud to announce nine staff members have been selected as the inaugural Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff winners.

Jianmei Leavenworth, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Microbiology, and Satoru Osuka, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Neurosurgery, introduce the Brain Tumor Research in Progress Forum.

In the last several years, UAB Medicine and Heersink School of Medicine have worked to bring leadership development to faculty and staff through the UAB Medicine Institute for Leadership and Momentum in Medicine programs.

Anupam Agarwal, M.D., dean of the Heersink School of Medicine, welcomed faculty members and their families to the Endowed Chairs and Professorships Reception on April 25.
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