Graduate Medical Education

Alice Goepfert, M.D., professor in OB/Gyn and Maternal-Fetal Medicine and associate dean for GME/Designated Institutional Official (DIO), has been named by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) as a recipient of the Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Award. The ACGME announced its decision on October 22, 2024 and will honor the two recipients at the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference February 20-22, 2025.

In August 2024, the UAB Heersink School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education office hosted a grand opening for its newly completed GME Wellness Center. The celebratory open house was attended by Heersink School of Medicine deans, faculty, UAB Hospital residents and fellows.

The House Staff Council (HSC) is a group of residents and fellows that meets monthly with Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office leadership to represent the voice of residents and fellows throughout all programs. A few of the outgoing leaders discuss their time on the HSC and look ahead to the future of HSC leadership.

On April 9, 2024, an AAMC-sponsored briefing was held in a U.S. Congressional session to examine the impact of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA, 2021). UAB’s Craig Hoesley, M.D., senior associate dean for Medical Education, participated as one of three panelists representing health systems and hospitals that have benefited from the legislation.

The UAB Graduate Medical Education office is now offering its residents, fellows, and faculty a new training opportunity through the American Medical Association (AMA). The piloting of the AMA GME Competency Software in September 2023 was made possible by medical education funding through a HRSA grant.

The Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office is the administrative support unit responsible for overseeing all activities related to GME at UAB. Currently, there are approximately 1,200 residents and fellows enrolled in these programs.

As leaders from Heersink School of Medicine's House Staff Council complete their terms, they reflect on their time of service, the projects they are proud to take part in, and the future of House Staff Council leadership.

Four staff leaders from UAB residency programs were recently awarded certification from the Training Administrators for Graduate Medical Education (TAGME).

Patrice Knight, M.D., longtime regional chair of Pediatrics at the UAB Heersink School of Medicine Huntsville Regional Medical Campus, passed away Feb. 2, 2022. Knight retired from the campus in 2020 after 35 years of service.