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Physician Scientist Development Office

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Physician Scientist Development Office

PRedOctoral PHD and MD research training in TEams (PROmoTE)

Please complete and submit this online application. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning in March. If you have questions, contact PROmoTE faculty Dr. Jennifer Pollock (jenniferpollock@uabmc.edu) or Dr. Orlando Gutierrez (ogutierrez@uabmc.edu)

*Only US Citizens or US Permanent Residents are eligible for this award
*Post-baccalaureate applicants will need to provide a reference letter from faculty member.

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Please read prior to submitting this application. By submitting this application you agree to all the terms and guidelines of the PROmoTe program.

PRedOctoral PHD and MD research training in TEams (PROmoTE)

1. I am not a holder of a PhD degree from a program in the biomedical sciences that included research experience.

2. I understand that my PROmoTE period of appointment is 9-10 weeks long over the course of the summer and includes an oral and poster presentation during the fall/spring. Any exceptions must have prior approval, in writing, from the PROmoTE Director(s).

3. I understand that if I receive PROmoTE funding, I may not accept any other summer funding from the University of Alabama at Birmingham during the time of my PROmoTE experience without the prior approval, in writing, of the appropriate PROmoTE Director. Noncompliance will result in revocation of my PROmoTE award.

4. PROmoTE is a fulltime commitment, during which I may not accept any type of employment, significant additional volunteer commitments, take vacation, or enroll in classes/coursework out the requirements of the program, or take any standardized/placement exams.

5. If I am accepted into the program I will attend the required summer course. In addition I will attend all required development opportunities. throughout the program the one-day. In addition I will complete any additional summer work pertaining to my research suggested by my mentor.

6. If I am selected to receive funding from PROmoTE, I agree to attend and present my findings (negative or positive) at the NRTC Seminar in September, a local poster session (UAB Heersink School of Medicine Medical Student Research Day Poster Competition (MD) or the UAB Department of Medicine (DOM) Trainee Research Symposium (PhD) and, with mentor approval, submit an abstract to and attend the "Experimental Biology OR 'American Society of Nephrology (ASN)" national meeting.

8. If I am selected to participate in the PROmoTE program, I agree to return questionnaires concerning the progress of my career that will be sent to me over the next few years, and I agree to provide change of address notification to the PROmoTE program as necessary.

9. If I am a Medical Student, I further give permission for PROmoTE to request a copy of my ERAS application from the UAB Heersink SOM Admissions and Enrollment Management Office after the September 14th deadline of my MS4 year. If there are any updates that need to be noted after myERAS application has been submitted, I will provide that information to the PROmoTE Program Directors

10. If I become a PROmoTE scholar I may be asked to attend the PROmoTE Retreat the summer after completion of the program and present the outcomes of my previous summer’s research to the incoming PROmoTE scholars.

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