Magudia K, Smith EN, Harrington SG, Porter KK, Arleo EK, Jagsi R, Spalluto LB. Carpe Diem: An opportunity for the ABR to support its trainees with family-friendly policies. Clin Imaging. 2021 Jan; 69: 148–149. Published online 2020 Jul 4. doi: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2020.07.001
Guddanti B, Guerrero-Calderon J, Allen E, and Woodard S. Benign Inflammatory Conditions of the Breast: Granulomatous Mastitis. Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Radiology. 2021;10(1).
McFarland JA, Elkassem, A.M.A., Casals, L. et al. Objective comparison of errors and report length freeform abdominopelvic computed tomography reports. Abdom Radiol. July 2020.
Perchik JD, Perchik JE. The Spinal Wada test: adapting a neurointerventional technique for bronchial artery embolization. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. 2020 August 4. PMID: 32754837.
JD Guerrero-Calderon. Women in Radiology Spotlight: A Q&A with Cheri L. Canon, MD, FACR, FAAWR. ACR RFS eNews. 2020 September 9.
Kennedy J, Perchik JD, Porter KK. Systematic review of transgender related research in radiology over a decade: there is work to be done. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2020 September 29.
Colvin SD, Cason DE, Galgano SJ, Triche BL, Gordetsky J, Rais-Bahrami S, Porter KK. Fusion of high B-value diffusion-weighted and T2-weighted MR images increases sensitivity for identification of extraprostatic disease imaging. 2020 Dec;68:202-209. PMID: 32892105.
Smith G, McFarland AJ, Huang J, Smith AD, Gunn AJ. An analysis of internet searches performed on a hospital system homepage to assess search patterns and traffic generated by radiology-specific terms. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2020 Nov 16. PMID: 33234341.
Brown SR, Still SA, Eudailey KW, Beck AW, Gunn AJ. Acute traumatic injury of the aorta: presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Ann Transl Med. February 2021 Annals of Translational Medicine. DOI:10.21037/atm-20-3172
Perchik JD, Larrison MC, Feudjio G. Finding Meaningful Opportunities During the COVID-19 Crisis: Developing an International Radiology Elective in Cameroon. The Journal of Global Radiology. 2021 March 7.
Macha V, El Khudari H, McCafferty BJ, Bready E, Huang J, Caridi TM, Gunn AJ. External validation of the renal ablation-specific P-RAC scoring system to predict procedure complexity or complications from percutaneous renal ablation. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2021 July 29; 32(5):S11. PMID: 34327585.
Lanier MH, Wheeler CA, Ballard DH. A New Normal in Radiology Resident Education: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Radiographics. 2021 May-Jun;41(3):E71-E72. PMID: 33939548.
Smith EN, Coleman AD, Burgan C, Galgano S, Porter KK. Cholangiocarcinoma. In: Oncologic Imaging: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2nd Edition. PM Silverman, ed. Elsevier.
Coleman AD, Smith EN, Galgano S, Porter KK. Liver cancer: hepatocellular and fibrolamellar carcinoma. In: Oncologic Imaging: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2nd Edition. PM Silverman, ed. Elsevier.
Gunn AJ, Joe WB, Salei A, El-Khudari H, Mahmoud KH, Bready E, Keasler EM, Patten PP, Gordetsky JB, Rais-Bahrami S, Abdel Aal AK. Percutaneous cryoablation of stage T1b renal cell carcinoma: safety, technical results, and clinical outcomes. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2019 July. PMID 31044292.
Triche BL, Nelson Jr JT, McGill NS, Porter KK, Sanyal R, Tessler FN, McConathy JE, Gauntt DM, Yester MV, Singh SP. Recognizing and Minimizing Artifacts at CT, MRI, US, and Molecular Imaging. RadioGraphics. 2019 Jul. PMID: 31283460.
Galgano SJ, Sivils C, Selph JP, Sanyal R, Lockhart ME, Zarzour JG. The Male Urethra: Imaging and Surgical Approach for Common Pathologies. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2020 Jun 26. PMID: 32682681.
Raborn J, McCafferty BJ, Gunn AJ, Moawad S, Mahmoud K. Abdel Aal AK, Saddekni S. Endovascular management of neurofibromatosis type I-associated vasculopathy: a case series and brief review of the literature. VascEndovascular Surg. 2020 Feb 5. PMID: 31672102.
Salei A, Raborn J, Manapragada P, Stoneburner CG, Abdel Aal AK, Gunn AJ. Effect of a dedicated inferior vena cava filter retrieval program on retrieval rates and number of patients lost to follow up. DiagnIntervenRadiol. 2020 Jan 26. PMID: 31650974.
Cazano E, Gunn AJ. Inferior vena cava filter retrieval with rigid endobronchialforceps resulting in redeployment in the superior vena cava. Arab J InterventRadiol. 2020 Jan 4.
Raborn J, McCafferty BJ, Gunn AJ, Moawad S, Mahmoud K, Aal AKA, Saddekni S. Endovascular Management of Neurofibromatosis Type I-Associated Vasculopathy: A Case Series and Brief Review of the Literature. VascEndovascular Surg. 2019 Oct. PMID: 31672102.
Salei A, Raborn J, Manapragada PP, Stoneburner CG, Abdel Aal AK, Gunn AJ. Effect of a Dedicated Inferior Vena Cava Filter Retrieval Program on Retrieval Rates and Number of Patients Lost to Follow Up. DiagnIntervRadiol. 2019 Oct. PMID: 31650974.
Xie C, Cardenas AM. Neuroimaging findings in Emanuel Syndrome. Journal of Radiology Case Reports, Oct 2019; 13(10)21-25. PMID: 32184920.
Abdel Aal AK, Moawad S, Vande Lune P, El Khudari H, Hanaoka MM, Abouldahab N, Gunn AJ, White J, Shoreibah M, Li Y, Saddekni S, Mahmoud K. Survival outcomes of very small drug-eluting beads used in chemoembolization of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2019 Sept 30. PMID: 31371139.
Black JR, Coker MA, Li Y, Sung J, Moawad S, Abdel Aal AK, Gunn AJ. Infection of Small-Bore Tunneled Central Venous Catheters. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2019 Aug. PMID: 31039030.
Xie C, Porter KK. Bilateral endometriomas. Applied Radiology. Aug 2019;48(5):46-47.
Sotoudeh H, Shafaat O, Bernstock JD, Brooks MD, Elsayed GA, Chen JA, Szerip P, Chagoya G, Gessler F, Sotoudeh E, Shafaat A, Friedman GK. Artificial Intelligence in the Management of Glioma: Era of Personalized Medicine. Front Oncol. 2019 Aug 14;9:768PMID 31475111.
Gunn AJ, Joe WB, Salei A, El-Khudari H, Mahmoud KH, Bready E, Keasler EM, Patten PP, Gordetsky JB, Rais-Bahrami S, Abdel Aal AK. Percutaneous cryoablation of stage T1b renal cell carcinoma: safety, technical results, and clinical outcomes. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2019 July. PMID 31044292.
Arif K, Gunn AJ. Pneumodissection during percutaneous renal ablation resulting in air embolism: percutaneous management and a review of the literature. Semin Intervent Radiol. 2019 June. PMID: 31123384.
Galgano SJ, Calderone CE, Nix JW, Rais-Bahrami S. [18F]Fluciclovine-PET Guided Salvage Lymph Node Dissection Following Radical Prostatectomy. Urology. 2019 May 29. PMID: 31152764
Gunn AJ, Joe WB, Salei A, El-Khudari H, Mahmoud KH, Bready E, Keasler EM, Patten PP, Gordetsky JB, Rais-Bahrami S, Abdel Aal AK. Percutaneous cryoablation of stage T1b renal cell carcinoma: safety, technical results, and clinical outcomes. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2019 May 1. PMID: 31044292.
Perchik JD, Murphy RP, Kelly DM, Sawyer JR. Radiation exposure in adult and pediatric patients with osteogenesis imperfect. J Orthopaedics. 2019 March 22. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2019.03.008.
Coleman AD, Arbuckle JL. Advanced imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of coexistent renal and Müllerian abnormalities. Current Urology Reports. (2018)19:89.
Galgano SJ, Valentin R, McConathy J. Role of PET imaging for biochemical recurrence following primary treatment for prostate cancer. Transl Androl Urol. 2018 Sep;7(Suppl 4):S462-S476. PMID: 30363475.
Gunn AJ, Patel AR, Rais-Bahrami S. Role of angio-embolization for renal cell carcinoma. Curr Urol Rep. 2018 Aug 8:76. PMID: 30091047.
Gunn AJ, Mullenbach BJ, Poundstone MM, Klimkowski S, Gordetsky JB, Underwood ES, Rais-Bahrami S. Trans-arterial embolization of renal cell carcinoma as an adjunctive therapy prior to cryoablation: a propensity score matching analysis. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2018; doi: 10.5152.
Gunn AJ, Mullenbach BJ, Poundstone MM, Gordetsky JB, Underwood ES, Rais-Bahrami S. Trans-arterial embolization of renal cell carcinoma prior to percutaneous ablation: technical aspects, institutional experience, and brief review of the literature. Curr Urol. 2018; 12(1):43-9.
Galgano SJ, Calderone CE, McDonald AM, Nix JW, deShazo M, Yang ES, McConathy JE, Rais-Bahrami S. Case studies in clinical practice management: patient demographics and referral patterns for [F-18] fluciclovine-PET imaging at a tertiary academic medical center. J Amer Coll Radiol. 2018 Nov 14. PMID: 30447932.
Calderone CE, Tuck BC, Gray SH, Porter KK, Rais-Bahrami S. The role of transesophageal echocardiography in the management of renal cell carcinoma with venous tumor thrombus. Echocardiography. 2018 Nov 1. PMID: 30387206.
Bass RZ, Morgan DE, Brooks WS. A case of pancreatic cancer: abdominal anatomy team-based learning module for medical students. MedEdPORTAL. 2018 Mar 29;14:10700. Doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10700.
Galgano SJ, Marshall RV, Middlebrooks EH, McConathy JE, Bhambhvani P. PET/MR imaging in head and neck cancer: Current applications and future directions. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2018 Feb;26(1):167-178. PMID: 29128003.
Galgano S, Viets Z, Fowler K, Gore L, Thomas JV, McNamara MM, McConathy J. Practical considerations for clinical PET/MRI. PET Clin. 2018 January;13(1):97-112. Review. PMID: 29157390.
Bass R, McNamara MN, Little MD, Pietryga JA, Sanyal R, Zarzour JG. Contrast enema examination: technique and essential findings: RadioGraphics fundamentals / online presentation. Radiographics. 2018 January-February;38(1):90-91. PMID 29320315.
Zarzour JG, Galgano S, McConathy J, Thomas JV, Rais-Bahrami S. Lymph node imaging in initial staging of prostate cancer: An Overview and Update. World J Radiol. 2017 October 28; 9(10): 389-399.
Baalmann CG, Galgano SJ, Pietryga JA, Novak L, Robbin ML. A Case of a Chorionic Bump: New Sonographic-Histopathologic Findings With Review of the Literature. J Ultrasound Med. 2017 Sep;36(9):1968-1970. PMID: 28429490.
Reynolds A, Porter KK. Characterizing Indeterminate Renal Masses with Molecular Imaging: the Role of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT/CT. Curr Urol Rep. 2017 Sept 12;18:86.
Galgano SJ, Sonavane SK, Sanyal R, Singh SP, MeniasCO, BhallaS. Thoracic Imaging After Bariatric Surgery. J ThoracImaging. 2017 Jun 15. [Epubahead of print] PMID: 28622165.
Galgano SJ, VietsZ, Fowler K, Gore L, Thomas JV, McNamara MM, McConathy J. Practical considerations for clinical PET/MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging ClinN Am. 2017 May;25(2):281-296. [Epub2017 Mar 1]. PMID: 28390529.
Galgano SJ, BaalmanC, Pietryga, J, Robbin ML. A Case of Chronic Bump: New Sonographic-Histopathologic Findings with Review of the Literature and Discussion of Diagnostic Pitfalls. J Ultrasound Med.2017 May 15. PMID 28503780.
Ahmad I, GurojiP, DeBrotAH, Manapragada PP, KatiyarSK, ElmetsCA, Yusuf N. Loss of INK4a/Arfgene enhances ultraviolet radiation induced cutaneous tumor development. ExpDermatol. 2017 Apr 18. PMID:28418604. [Epubahead of print].
Gunn AJ, Raborn J, MoawadS, Saddekni S, Abdel AalAK. Percutaneous treatment of iatrogenic and traumatic injury to the biliary system. CurrTrauma Rep. 2017 40719:1-11.
Zarzour JG, Milner D, Valentin R, Jackson BE, Gordetsky J, West J, Rais‐Bahrami S, Morgan DE. Quantitative iodine content threshold for discrimination of renal cell carcinomas using rapid kVswitching dual‐energy CT. Abdom Radiol; 2016 Nov 16. PMID: 27847998.
Cason DE, Morgan DE, Pietryga JA. Injuries from an Exploding E‐Cigarette: A Case Report. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Nov 1;165(9):678‐679. PMID 27802461.
Sardari A, Thomas J, Nix J, Pietryga J, Sanyal R, Gordetsky J, Rais-Bahrami S. Incidental Bladder Cancer Detected on Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Prostate Gland. Case Reports in Urology. Volume 15, Article ID 503154. Accepted 24 November 2015.
Galgano SJ, Royal S, Hutto JH, Vattoth S. Primary Pancreatic Neuroblastoma Presenting as Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome. Radiol Case Rep. 2016 March;11(1):36-40.: A Practical Review of the Muscles of Facial Mimicry with Special Emphasis on the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS). AJR 2015; 204:W19-W26.
Porter KK, Reynolds AM. Characterizing Indeterminate Renal Masses with Molecular Imaging: the Role of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT/CT. Curr Urol Rep (2017) 18:86.
Surasi DS, O'Malley JP, Bhambhvani P. 18F-FDG PET/CT findings in portal vein thrombosis and liver metastases. J Nucl Med Technol. 2015 Feb 5. pii: jnmt.114.152777. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25655342.
Singhal A, Dauer DJ, Chapman PR. Complex cerebellopontine angle mass in a patient with a history of falls. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Feb;141(2):183-4. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2014.3178. PubMed PMID: 25522211.
Bag AK, Curé JK, Chapman PR, Pettibon KD, Gaddamanugu S. Practical imaging of the parotid gland. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2015 Mar-Apr;44(2):167-92. PMID: 25432171.
Cunningham JR, O’Malley JP, Bhambhvani P. Ovarian hyperstimulation and breast cancer on PET imaging with sonographic correlation. Clin Nucl Med 2015. May;40(5):430-2. PMID 25742224.
Morgan AE, Berland LL, Ananyev SS, Lockhart ME, Kolettis PN. Extraurinary Incidental Findings on CT for Hematuria: The Radiologist’s Role and Downstream Cost Analysis. AJR 2015 Jun;204(6):1160-7. PMID: 26001224.
Hutto JR, Vattoth S. A practical review of the muscles of facial mimicry with special emphasis on the superficial musculoaponeurotic system. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015 Jan;204(1):W19-26. doi 10.2214/AJR. 14 12857.
Resident Grant Funding

Award: $2,500 July 2018 – June 2019
Title: GME Works for Wellbeing
Project Narrative: Funds for the support of the two-tiered structured mentoring program for the UAB Diagnostic Radiology Program.

Title: Dual Energy CT as a Noninvasive Method to Screen for Gastroesophageal Varices.
Award: Accepted for the Soto grant, an intramural grant designed to foster mentor-mentee relationship.
Project Narrative: I am a co-investigator on this pilot project and will participate in image interpretation, statistical analysis, and manuscript authorship.
Galgano S.

Title: Presentation Staging of High-risk Prostate Cancer with F-18 Fluciclovine PET/MRI.
Sponsor: Radiological Society of North America Research Fellow Grant.
$50,000. July1, 2017 – June 30, 2018.