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Sharon Spencer uab radiation oncologyProfessor
Senior Medical and Quality Advisor
Ruby Meredith Outstanding Clinician Endowed Chair

Areas of Interest:
Head & Neck, Metastatic Disease, Brachytherapy

Physical address
Hazelrig-Salter Radiation Oncology Center
1700 6th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233

Administrative contact
Michelle Lee

Research Interests

"My interests center on the translation of novel radiotherapeutic treatments into clinical practice for brain, head and neck, and lung tumors. The combination of drugs with the refinement in radiotherapy planning and delivery exploit the additive benefit of combination therapy while seeking to reduce associated toxicity."

Education and Postdoctoral Training

B.S. Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham, AL 1979 Magna Cum Laude, Chemistry
M.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham 1983
Internship/Residency - University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 1983-1987
Management of Post Operative Head and Neck and Reirradiation for Recurrent Disease, ASTRO Review Course, 2001-2002

Awards / Honors

Brewer-Heslin Endowed Award for Professionalism in Medicine, 2021
Ruby F. Meredith Outstanding Clinician in Radiation Oncology Endowed Chair, 2008
American Cancer Society Life Inspiration Award, 2005
Fellow of the American College of Radiation Oncology, 2000
ASTRO-ESTRO Travel Grant Recipient - Institute Gustave Roussy - Paris, France, 1992
