Explore UAB

Location: Camp McDowell, 105 Delong Rd., Nauvoo, AL 35578


Group Picture



Lowe Conference Speakers Dr. Judith James Dr. Hanaoka and Dr. Megan Clowse

From left to right: Judith James, MD, Oklahoma University Medical Center; Beatriz Hanaoka, MD, UAB; Megan Clowse, MD, Duke University


Trainees at the Conference with the Director and Associate Director of the
Rheumatology Fellowship Program

UAB Fellows Marc Collins missing with program directors

From left to right: Angelo Gaffo, MD, MSPH, Associate Program Director; Marc Collins, MD, First year fellow Nada Elmagboul, MD, Second year fellow; Thao Tran, MD, Second year fellow; Amanda Schnell, MD, First year fellow; Laura B. Hughes, MD, MSPH, Program Director


Fellows and Faculty Participating in the UAB Southeastern Rheumatology Objective Structured Clinical Examination (ROSCE)

Fellows and Faculty participating in the UAB Southeast ROSCE