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Guest NEURAL 2025 Registration Form

Welcome to the registration form for the 11th Annual NEURAL Conference, which will take place in person on June 11-13, 2025, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). 


The annual NEURAL Conference is the only regional conference of its kind and the cornerstone of the efforts of the UAB Neuroscience Roadmap Scholars Program. The overall objective of the RMS Program and the NEURAL Conference is to provide the necessary tools to enhance engagement and retention of graduate trainees with diverse life experiences, perspectives and viewpoints in the neurosciences. 

A limited number of travel awards are available for non-UAB neuroscience doctoral trainees - preference will be given to trainees who submit quality abstracts by the deadline of April 1. Travel awards will take the form of free dorm lodging, meals, and travel provided to the trainee. Applicants will be notified by April 15 if they have received a travel award and if their abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation. 

Abstracts must be neuroscience-related. Abstract bodies should be no longer than 250 words and include: Title; Author list; Introduction; Materials & Methods; Results; Conclusion. Please use Microsoft Word; Arial 11pt, single spaced. 

There will be a total of 3 poster presentation awards and 3 oral presentation awards made.

If you have any questions, please email roadmap@uab.edu
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