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UAB Chamber Trio releases new CD, “Many New Trails To Blaze”

  • November 28, 2018
This album, using the uncommon instrumental configuration of clarinet, trumpet and piano, consists primarily of new music commissioned and premiered by the UAB Chamber Trio.

chamber trioFrom left: Chris Steele, Denise Gainey and James ZingaraThe University of Alabama at Birmingham Chamber Trio has released a new CD, titled “Many New Trails To Blaze.”

The UAB Chamber Trio features three members of the College of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Music: Denise Gainey, DMA, professor of clarinet; James Zingara, DMA, associate professor of trumpet; and Chris Steele, DMA, staff accompanist. This recording is one of only a few available for the instrumental configuration of clarinet, trumpet and piano, and consists primarily of new music commissioned and premiered by the UAB Chamber Trio. The music comes from across the country, as well as representing composers from the United Kingdom and Germany; two of the pieces were written by members of the UAB Department of Music faculty, Steele and William Price, DMA.

The title the trio chose, “Many New Trails To Blaze,” has a double meaning, Zingara says.

“First, as an unusual chamber grouping with few available published works, the UAB Chamber Trio actively seeks out new music, much of which is featured on this recording,” Zingara said. “Secondly, the title is a ‘tip of the hat’ to the entire Blazer community, and is an acknowledgement of the support and positive creative environment provided by our university, college and department.”

The CD was released internationally on PARMA Productions’ Ravello label Nov. 9. It will be distributed through Naxos Records, the world’s leading classical music label as measured by the number of new recordings it releases and the depth and breadth of its catalogue, and will also be available through the Naxos streaming library. The physical CD is available for purchase through outlets such as Barnes & Noble and Downloadable versions can be found on Spotify, ArkivMusik and iTunes.