Adam Pope

Adam Pope

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Public Relations Manager, Traditional University Campus • (205) 934-6986

Leads external communications for units within the traditional university campus. Pope and his team proactively reach out to the media to secure media hits telling the story of happenings on campus ranging from the arts to student stories, graduate and undergraduate research and beyond. The team works reactively to ensure appropriate experts are connected with media within their deadline.

Specific beats include: School of Health Professions; College of Arts and Sciences; Political Science; Criminal Justice; Anthropology; Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCollat School of Business; School of Education; Administrative News; Office of the Provost for Student and Faculty Success; Enrollment, Admissions, Financial Aid; Human Resources; Issues Management; Student Affairs/Student Life;Minority Health and Health Equity Research Center

Megan Gagliardi is thankful to have a physical reminder of her heart transplant to reflect on each day. “I love my scar, and I love showing people what I’ve been through. It’s a huge part of me.”
More than 30 percent of Alabamians are registered to be organ donors, but more are needed.
Since 1968, UAB surgeons have performed more than 14,000 transplants.
In 2018, there will be more than 650,000 new cases of oral, head and neck cancers diagnosed worldwide, but early screening and diagnosis can more than double a patient’s chances of survival.
The scholarship will support students from the state of Alabama who demonstrate financial need and come from a disadvantaged background.
Cancers of the head and neck are four times more common in men than in women.
You can enjoy nutritious foods without breaking the bank.
Ketogenic, Whole30 and paleo diets aren’t convenience diets — they can cause challenges for eating out and cause a strain on your wallet — but they do provide whole food solutions.
UAB researchers found that, from 2012-2014, Medicare was the primary payer for more than 90 percent of TAVR procedures.
Many cancers are curable if they are detected early, and UAB researchers are exploring ways to use cancer gene discoveries to develop screening tests to improve cancer survival.
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