Alicia Rohan

Alicia Rohan

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Director of External Public Relations • (205) 975-7515

Leads strategy development and implementation for a team of public relations professionals to coordinate external communications for the university and health system, including media relations, emergency communication, social media and special projects.

UAB will break ground on a freestanding emergency department and medical office building in Gardendale.
Women with substance use disorders now have a comprehensive care program at UAB to help navigate prenatal and postpartum care.
nycu graphic 2Surgeon at UAB believes in making breast cancer awareness an issue year-round to help save lives through early detection.
A UAB study suggests that psychedelic drugs have a positive effect on antisocial, criminal behavior, warranting investigation of psychedelics as a crime reduction therapy.
A UAB researcher is investigating antihypertensive drugs in search of those that not only treat high blood pressure, but also boost mobility and independence in older Americans.
nycu graphic 2A UAB Infectious Diseases physician discusses bacteria found in food-borne illnesses and why you should wash your hands.
Leaders in HIV research and treatment gather at UAB to address laws that prohibit gay men from donating blood.
A UAB researcher’s work on gender and quality of life in myasthenia gravis has been named the top abstract at a major neuromuscular disease professional meeting.
Developers and educators at UAB have developed a solution to meet the challenges of getting educational resources to underserved populations by providing software and hardware programs to better train students in Ethiopia and Zambia.
Four multidisciplinary studies will focus on genetics and associated mechanisms of hyperuricemia gout, an inflammatory arthritis.
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