Alicia Rohan

Alicia Rohan

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Director of External Public Relations • (205) 975-7515

Leads strategy development and implementation for a team of public relations professionals to coordinate external communications for the university and health system, including media relations, emergency communication, social media and special projects.

Understanding how people respond to aspirin is key in terms of knowing who will benefit from it.
Adam Gordon, O.D., discusses blue light, including the lack of clinical evidence in advertisements overstating dangers, as well as the effects of blue light on sleep and eye discomfort.
UAB Health System helps faculty and staff be ready for emergencies during Spring PrepareAthon.
Celebrate spring with the UAB/Red Cross Blood Drive.
The UAB Division of Rheumatology and Immunology and the Division of Cardiovascular Disease look at effects of Allopurinol in healthy adults age 18-40.
MBA/MPH dual-degree program aims to equip public health professionals with business savvy.
UAB professor leads study in Brazil to help further understand the effects of Zika virus during pregnancy.
Four UAB faculty members are named to endowed chair or professorship positions by the Board of Trustees.
UAB’s new REACT Center is the national coordinating center for six centers designed to promote research and train scientists and clinicians in the medical rehabilitation field.
UAB professor awarded $15,000 for work in palliative care.
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