Alicia Rohan

Alicia Rohan

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Director of External Public Relations • (205) 975-7515

Leads strategy development and implementation for a team of public relations professionals to coordinate external communications for the university and health system, including media relations, emergency communication, social media and special projects.

The first eye-care practitioners in the American West? The Lewis and Clark expedition is the subject of a Reynolds Historical Lecture.
UAB researchers receive a $1.25 million grant to identify and disseminate best management practices in nursing homes with a high census of Medicaid residents.
James Cimino, one of the nation’s leaders in using ‘big data’ resources to advance patient care, research and education, will head UAB’s new Informatics Institute.
The Best Medicine Show highlights UAB medical students’ creative talents as they host an evening of song, dance and comedy.
UAB’s Ferniany assumes leadership position with board of AAMC.
Pediatric glaucoma is a rare, but dangerous eye disease. Learn more about this potential blinding condition and how ophthalmologists at UAB’s Callahan Eye Hospital saved the vision of one young boy.
A one-year, 20 percent increase in research grants elevates UAB to No. 10 among public universities receiving National Institutes of Health funding.
UAB’s Jessica Merlin is recognized as an inspirational leader for her work managing chronic pain in patients with HIV.
UAB has launched one of the first clinics in the nation designed to provide healthy adults with an assessment of their risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
A ramped-up immune response may play a major role in autism disorders, according to a new study from UAB and Johns Hopkins.
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