Alicia Rohan

Alicia Rohan

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Director of External Public Relations • (205) 975-7515

Leads strategy development and implementation for a team of public relations professionals to coordinate external communications for the university and health system, including media relations, emergency communication, social media and special projects.

A college baseball player nearly blinded by a batted ball and a UAB ophthalmologist urge athletes to wear eye protection at all times.
UAB Nathan E. Miles Chair of Ophthalmology has been named chair-elect of the Ethics and Regulations in Human Research Committee of the Association for Research in Vision Science and Ophthalmology.
Renowned scientist Cynthia Brown, M.D., will lead UAB efforts to care for aging patients and patients with advanced or life-threatening illness.
A new NIH grant could allow researchers to better predict risk factors for patients using blood-thinners by examining the influence of genes, lifestyle, clinical factors and environment.
Need help putting the pack down? The UAB Lung Health Center is here for you.
Follow some simple tips to stop bug bites or stings from ending your summer fun.
CreakyJoints, an online arthritis support community, and UAB are working to gather information directly from patients through smartphones and tablets to find better ways to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Top university administrators say patents and commercialization of projects should factor into faculty promotions and tenure.
UAB’s May blood drive features a Buffet-inspired trip to Donorville
Heading to the great outdoors this summer? Here are some tips on how to stay safe in the wilderness or your own backyard.
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