Alicia Rohan

Alicia Rohan

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Director of External Public Relations • (205) 975-7515

Leads strategy development and implementation for a team of public relations professionals to coordinate external communications for the university and health system, including media relations, emergency communication, social media and special projects.

The fifth annual Health Administration Case Competition was conducted by UAB's Department of Health Services Administration.

When Eldrid Primm went into cardiac arrest, his heart was saved with CPR, but what about his brain? Enter therapeutic hypothermia.

A UAB review of biologics, a new class of drugs used to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, shows that some are safer for human use than others.

There are 12 million cancer survivors in the U.S., but poor nutrition is increasing deaths from heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

Loss of financial skills can be a warning sign of the onset of dementia in older Americans. When should friends and family step in?

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