Jim Bakken

Jim Bakken

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jimb@uab.edu • (205) 934-3887
Chief Communications Officer, Public Relations 

As chief communications officer for the University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB Medicine, Bakken leads teams that set and execute internal and external communications strategy. Prior to joining UAB in 2012, Bakken spent a decade working with a diverse client base at two full-service communications firms. Bakken spent eight years in Nashville at McNeely Pigott and Fox – one of the largest PR firms in the Southeast – prior to launching Peritus Public Relations in Birmingham in 2010. Bakken has served on the board of the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, is accredited by the Public Relations Society of America and has been a Birmingham Business Journal Top 40 Under 40 honoree.

National Public Health Week will take place the first week of April and gives the opportunity to highlight advances across the nation. UAB will celebrate with many events.

AUTM is a network of more than 3,200 technology transfer professionals around the world.

Chronic inflammation can lead to chronic diseases, but it can be reduced naturally through the proper diet.

The reunion will give former patients and their families an opportunity to reconnect with staff who cared for them.

April is National Donate Life Month to spotlight the need for more families to be aware of the critical, ongoing need for organ donation.

The second annual Sustainable Smart Cities Symposium will be April 3.

This year's guest speaker is Donna Arnett, Ph.D., president of the American Heart Association.

The goal is to bring attention to cerebral palsy in the local community.

New UAB School of Medicine position allows for training to expand to more students, residents and faculty.

A “Wicked Problem” has been described as a highly complex problem to which potential solutions require both creative and interdisciplinary thinking.

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