Jim Bakken

Jim Bakken

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jimb@uab.edu • (205) 934-3887
Chief Communications Officer, Public Relations 

As chief communications officer for the University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB Medicine, Bakken leads teams that set and execute internal and external communications strategy. Prior to joining UAB in 2012, Bakken spent a decade working with a diverse client base at two full-service communications firms. Bakken spent eight years in Nashville at McNeely Pigott and Fox – one of the largest PR firms in the Southeast – prior to launching Peritus Public Relations in Birmingham in 2010. Bakken has served on the board of the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, is accredited by the Public Relations Society of America and has been a Birmingham Business Journal Top 40 Under 40 honoree.

UAB graduate and Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox will speak at UAB Nov. 19.

Ancestors’ ability to kill parasite linked to kidney disease severity in African-Americans with lupus.

Senior Mallick Hossain hopes to study health economics at Oxford University.

UAB experts say that while physical activity is necessary for both men and women, there are gender-specific benefits that women need to know.

Thomas W. Weatherford III, D.V.M., D.M.D., joined the faculty in 1962.

Marilyn J. Kurata, Ph.D., joined the faculty in 1978.

The Division of Nuclear Medicine is now the Division Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics.

The Dr. Thomas W. Jones Endowed Professorship was created in the School of Dentistry.

Black men and women have twice the risk of fatal coronary heart disease as whites, but the disparity could be eliminated with better risk factor control.

Severe, system-wide inflammation kills hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.
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