Tyler Greer

Tyler Greer

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Seth Borgstede, a junior in public health, plans to combat a major cause of death in children in the southern African nation of Mozambique: dehydration.
Rebecca Massey, a sophomore biology major, plans to pair undergraduate student mentors from UAB with underprivileged high school students from Birmingham City Schools.
Sean McMahon, a senior in public health, and Aarin Palomares, a senior in public health and a fifth-year Master of Public Health student, want to decrease infection rates associated with lack of sanitary feminine hygiene products and create economic opportunity for women living in a refugee camp in Turkey.
Aileen Jong, senior in philosophy, Michelle Nguyen, senior in neuroscience, and Clara Wan, senior in biology, are bringing attention to a little-discussed issue: menstrual hygiene management.
Awards recognize the very best in university advancement from a diverse body of educational institutions across the Southeast.
Twenty-one students who have established themselves as leaders and innovators will travel to California in April for additional mentoring and support for their projects.
Lead author of paper published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal says, while causal relationship cannot be inferred, findings are “absolutely encouraging.”
Study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology shows fecal incontinence risk from anal intercourse is heightened for both women and men, with men almost three times as likely to experience incontinence.
Fourteen-year-old Angelynn Luckado’s cystic fibrosis ravaged her organs, leading to an extensive hospital stay, an extremely rare and complicated transplant, and now a hope for a healthier life thanks to an organ donor.
North Carolina resident Jerry Phillips has known since 2001 that he would one day need a kidney transplant. Fourteen years later, his need was fulfilled by a stranger and his transplant surgery performed by a friend.
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