Tyler Greer

Tyler Greer

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A five-year, $1.72 million grant will help researchers to identify the role of testosterone and cortisol in health and development of preterm infants and find a measure that will reliably predict those infants most at risk for problems later.
The award is presented to a department whose faculty, fellows or residents published one of the most outstanding journal articles in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
UAB School of Nursing authors show that even though LGBT populations are often grouped together, each is a distinct group with specific health care needs.
Nursing dean says two-year appointment will help school continue to make a difference in the lives of our nation’s heroes.
The event will highlight genetic testing of embryos, the move toward transferring single embryos to avoid multiple births and UAB’s record success in IVF.
UAB’s Turner-Henson selected for rare award by the Southern Nursing Research Society, which touted her contributions to society.

Nearly half of people living with HIV in the United States will be 50 or older by 2015, which places more emphasis on cognitive function research.

Cash awards were given for best oral and poster presentations at the 9th Annual Health Disparities Research Symposium.
Landmark research for the surgical management of apical vaginal prolapse reveals comparable efficacy of sacrospinous ligament fixation and uterosacral ligament suspension, and that perioperative treatment is not indicated.
UAB health disparities symposium examines integrating social and biological factors.
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