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Health & Medicine November 03, 2023

Written by: Amy Richardson
Media contact: Brianna Hoge

1205835687505396.5tFIfh14j6zwMAwhteWs height640The UAB Hazelrig-Salter Radiation Oncology Center (top) and the Kirklin Clinic at Acton Road (bottom) will obtain their ASTRO-APEx accreditation until September 2027.
Photography: Steve Wood
The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Radiation Oncology successfully attained accreditation from the American Society for Radiation Oncology APEx - Accreditation Program for Excellence® for the Hazelrig-Salter Radiation Oncology Center and The Kirklin Clinic at Acton Road.

APEx, the fastest-growing radiation oncology practice accreditation program in the United States, is a voluntary, objective and rigorous multi-step process during which a radiation oncology practice is evaluated using consensus-based standards. The practice must demonstrate its safety and quality processes and show that it adheres to patient-centered care by promoting effective communication, coordinated treatments and strong patient engagement.

“UAB is pleased to receive APEx accreditation from ASTRO, the largest radiation oncology society in the world,” said French Forbes, executive administrator for the Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine’s Department of Radiation Oncology, also a part of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB. “Our team was invested to meet ASTRO’s high standards for safety and quality and achieving the accreditation shows our local community that we are dedicated to delivering consistently safe patient-centered cancer care. This is a testament to the persistence and dedication of our faculty and staff as we continually strive towards excellence in quality of care.”

APEx is the only radiation oncology accreditation program that includes a self-assessment, which allows practices to internally assess compliance with quality improvement standards. The practice then proceeds to a facility review by an external surveyor team that includes a radiation oncologist and a medical physicist. APEx provides external validation that a radiation oncology facility is delivering high-quality patient care. The department will obtain the accreditation until September 2027.

“ASTRO commends the UAB Department of Radiation Oncology for achieving APEx accreditation,” said Geraldine M. Jacobson, M.D., MPH, MBA, FASTRO, chair of the ASTRO Board of Directors. “By undergoing this comprehensive review, the facility demonstrated their strong commitment to delivering safe, high-quality radiation oncology services to their patients.”

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