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Along with UAB's Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center, the city of Birmingham along with the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge want to change food deserts. The challenge gives grant funds to work with cities to identify problems and solutions.
According to new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating more fresh produce does not necessarily lead to weight loss, especially if the fruits and vegetables aren't replacing high-calorie foods in a person's diet.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s College of Arts and Sciences announced Lisa Tamiris Becker will be the first director of the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts.
The UAB Benevolent Fund, a charitable campaign supported by donations from employees at The University of Alabama at Birmingham, is celebrating its 30th year of service by creating a new initiative to help support area non-profits.
A 2010 study by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that among a group of more than 100 premenopausal women, fat was significantly reduced in those who consumed the most calcium-rich foods.
According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, a normal-weight person aged 45 and more getting less thsn six hours of sleep is at a higher risk of suffering from stroke and even developing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
Preeclampsia is one of the most dangerous problems that can develop in a pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Both mother and unborn child are in danger.
Miss Alabama 2014 fourth runner-up KeLeigh Edwards was among a group of pageant queens who delivered gifts to children and family members at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Women & Infants Center on Tues., July 22, 2014. The gifts, including blankets, baby and toys, went to the Regional Newborn Intensive Care Unit and the Continuing Care Nursery.
At the close of the Second World War, the Allies expelled several million Germans from the eastern portion of the former Reich. Thanks to the work of many historians, we know quite a bit about Allied planning for the expulsion, when and how it took place, and the multitude of deaths that occurred as a result of it.
"Most people that have heat stroke and recover are fine," UAB's Dr. David Pigott said. "With heat stroke, your whole body basically shuts down. It's a multi-system organ failure where your cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, they all shut down."
Gary Warner, chief technologist at Malcovery Security, and also director of research in computer forensics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, says the J-CAT taskforce will help investigators advance cases much more quickly, including filing local charges against criminals who work across borders.
Michael Morrisey, PhD, director of the Lister Hill Center for Health Policy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said in an email that if the D.C. panel's ruling ends up being the prevailing one, "the effect ... is just short of what would have been the effect of the Court ruling that the ACA was unconstitutional. The vast majority of people getting coverage through the exchanges did so with a subsidy ... They would no longer be eligible and most are unlikely to continue to buy coverage at unsubsidized prices."
From The Washington Post
Just like humans, elephants with excess fat are more likely than others to develop heart disease, arthritis and infertility. Previous studies have shown an alarming number of African elephants in zoos have irregular or no ovarian cycles.

University of Alabama Hospital (Birmingham). UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center in the six-state area of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina and Georgia. The center is home to more than 330 physicians and researchers and has an estimated 5,000 new patients each year. The center developed the UAB Health System Cancer Community Network, which includes 10 partner hospitals across five states and aims to expand the availability and quality of cancer services in patients' local communities.
The CHIA grants – ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 – are awarded by the One Great Community council, the community engagement arm of UAB's Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS). 
In his spare time, the leader of Alabama’s largest employer and Birmingham’s economic engine enjoys gardening and deep-sea fishing. Metaphorically speaking, Dr. Ray Watts did quite a bit of both during his first year as president of the .University of Alabama at Birmingham
Studdard & Hathaway -- or if you prefer, Hathaway & Studdard -- are doing just fine as solo artists. A 95-minute concert at the Alys Stephens Center proved, however, that they'd be classy and charismatic as full-scale duet partners.
The "very exciting" findings open new doors to the treatment of co-infected patients, commented Turner Overton, MD, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
“Banks don’t like to hold large amounts of real estate simply because that’s not really the business they are in,” said Andreas Rauterkus, associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “However, it took banks a long time to lower the holdings to avoid major hits to their balance sheets and capital."
“People are more willing to take action to become prepared after they see neighbors that have experienced a disaster or when they’ve experienced it themselves,” said Lisa McCormick, author of the study and an assistant professor in the UAB’s School of Public Health.
Today is Nelson Mandela International Day, as declared by the United Nations, and the dean of The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) College of Arts and Sciences is urging all students, staff and faculty in his college and on the entire campus to take part in this tribute to the late South African president and human-rights leader by doing some volunteer work.
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