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The regulator HIF1α functions in a cancer-microenvironment that lacks oxygen, and it may be involved in resistance to immune checkpoint blockade therapy.

The purchase and consumption of alcohol and substances often increases during the holiday season, and while some may drink to celebrate, others may drink to suppress their feelings.

Results showed longer duration of hypertension is related to higher risk of stroke, higher average systolic blood pressure and a need for more classes of antihypertension medication.

Registration is now open for new spring ArtPlay classes and workshops, including creative movement, writing, storytelling, visual arts, ballet, keyboard basics and much more.

Colton Segars pivoted from history to nursing after working in the Blazer Simulation Lab at the School of Nursing, finding his long-term career interest.

One UAB expert dives into the difference between traditional sugar and nonnutritive sugars.

Stay healthy this holiday season with a few tips to keep allergies and colds in check.

Michael Niederweis, Ph.D., and Cynthia Owsley, Ph.D., who collectively hold 23 patents, have been recognized for approaches to DNA sequencing and detection of impaired dark adaptation, respectively.

UAB partners with Hoover City Schools to launch a “grow your own” program in hopes of addressing the special education teacher shortage

Nakia Coleman, an assistant director with UAB Birmingham Promise, integrates the cutting-edge skills and techniques from her online master’s program into her daily work, driving innovation and excellence.

Research suggests that gratitude can help people manage difficult emotions more effectively and have better control over their reaction to negative events.

Identifying the early signs of kidney stone disease is crucial for preventing complications and managing symptoms.

After four years of playing with the UAB Marching Blazers, Jonah Ross will graduate with his bachelor’s degree from the UAB School of Engineering.

Researcher Thomas A. Thompson will discuss the critical research he is undertaking on Alabama’s breeding population of cerulean warblers (Setophaga cerulea) a species of highest conservation concern.

Liou Sun’s research group will seek to understand how ceramides and growth hormone signaling contribute to healthier aging, providing meaningful insights to develop innovative therapies for age-related diseases.

David Russell, mentored by his professor, transformed from a curious student into a pioneering researcher in nuclear fuel recycling, earning multiple awards and recognition for his innovative work.

More than half of the university’s 1,954 graduating students will walk in commencement this semester. The UAB President’s Medal will be awarded to Marnix E. Heersink, M.D.

UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center receives funding from BCRFA to advance breast cancer research
Grants from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama will support 10 groundbreaking projects led by researchers at UAB.

There are no effective antivirals against BK polyomavirus in transplanted kidneys. A better understanding of its replication will offer new ways to protect those kidneys.

This study highlights how high-volume centers, where operators perform these procedures more frequently, achieve better outcomes, including lower 30-day mortality and reduced complication rates.

Learn how to pick out the perfect toys and avoid dangerous hazards this holiday season.

UAB assistant professor in the Department of Physics has been awarded over $250,000 in funding for research on quantum simulation.

A UAB gut health researcher shares five tips to help you maintain a healthy gut while enjoying holiday meals and treats.

The national Dr. F.H. Teahan Awards recognize outstanding work and achievements by students in public relations from across the United States.

Giving back has physical and mental benefits, including boosting happiness, reducing stress and enhancing self-esteem.

The 2024 Blazer Gift Guide contains lots of great suggestions for the perfect gift to save time and money.

Yusen Zhai discusses grief, its types, ways to cope with it and ways to help others going through a rough patch.

One UAB expert offers several tips for enjoying the treats of the holiday season while staying healthy.

Beacon ACT Clinic, which stands for Access, Connection, Transition, served more than 300 patients during its first year in operation.

Heart failure is responsible for 13 percent of deaths worldwide, and half of patients die within 5 years. New therapies are needed.