Displaying items by tag: department of physics

Understanding the physics of superconductors starts with understanding and manipulating their physical makeup to more efficiently conduct energy.
Two new studies will have an intriguing mix of catalysts, “tunable” chemical bonds, supercomputers and ultrafast lasers.
Graduate student expands knowledge of beamlines within physics through 20th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering.
UAB Physics researcher continues to identify inexpensive ways to laser print with small functional devices.
Students from underrepresented groups and from schools with limited research opportunities get stipends and do hands-on research in high-risk, high-reward projects.
These synthetic diamonds, used in micro-anvils, have produced nearly twice the pressure found at the center of the Earth.
What's new at UAB this week? Two coaches cast a long shadow on campus, physicists work to improve on perfection and UAB artist-in-residence Eric Essix literally took all his jazz hands for a ride around town. See it all in one video. Catch up in about a minute.
Heating a mixture of gases to furnace temperatures is one way to make a diamond film, nature’s hardest substance. Adding boron to the gas mixture may create new materials.
Physics professor Cheng-Chien Chen will use the fellowship to broaden his research in strongly correlated materials, which could lead to scientific advancement in the energy industry.
Hadiyah-Nicole Green, UAB alumna, will be recognized by GE in a Grand Central Station display for research in cancer treatment.
An enthusiastic teacher and a fascinating topic lit his desire to learn. Now the veteran is building bone scaffolding with a three-dimensional bioprinter.
The UAB physics professor will head the Coalition of EPSCoR/IDeA States, which promotes vibrant science and technology in underserved states.

The unique academic experiences available to students in the UAB Honors College are expanding with the selection of the college’s 2016-2017 Honors Faculty Fellows. 

Knowing when an asteroid could impact Earth would be nice, but learning more about super volcanoes might be more prudent.
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