Displaying items by tag: department of psychology

The panel will include artists and creative arts therapists using a variety of creative arts to help individuals on their paths of recovery.
Study shows that vehicles with advanced technology could potentially reduce crashes, injuries and deaths.
Experts provide parents and teens with safe driving tips leading into Teen Driving Safety Week.
Children and adolescents are at higher risk of developing mental health problems from abuse, but the severity of mental health problems greatly depends on the timing of abuse.
Proper diet — including caffeine consumption — can be used as a pain intervention.
A new type of “guardian angel” technology is being developed to warn distracted pedestrians as they cross the street.
A world-renowned clinical researcher will discuss the role of biology, psychology and social influences in relation to chronic pain.
A number of school-based interventions have been developed to improve students’ emotional and behavioral functioning, but schools need to adjust their culture to ensure more lasting effects.
Long-lasting traumatic events such as Hurricane Florence tax our resiliency. A UAB expert shows you how to boost yours.
The Birmingham City Council Transportation Committee provides funding for the UAB TRIP Lab’s current driving safety community outreach efforts.
Drowsy driving, distracting driving and road rage put you and other drivers at risk for a motor vehicle crash.
Disability Support Services helps students achieve success and challenges them to higher education goals.
Riding bicycles is a fun and healthy way to get around efficiently. Know the rules and keep yourself safe while riding.

Constraint-Induced Therapy, developed as a rehabilitation technique following stroke, appears beneficial for patients with multiple sclerosis, according to new findings from UAB.

Researchers will look at the effectiveness and accuracy of using virtual training as a way to help parents in rural areas install child restraint systems properly.
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