Displaying items by tag: division of transplantation

This study, performed in a pre-clinical human model, is the first time xenotransplanted pig kidneys have shown clearance of creatinine and shown a standard immunosuppression regimen may be sufficient.
Jim Parsons, an Alabamian and registered organ donor, helped further donation and xenotransplant when his family donated his body upon death for a groundbreaking scientific study conducted at UAB earlier this year.
Hanaway is honored to receive the professorship that was established in honor of Martha Tankersley and her transformative commitment as the transplant administrator for UAB Medicine.
UAB has the first program in the United States to offer uterus transplantation outside of a clinical research trial and is one of very few centers in the world accepting new patients.
During the past half-century, the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute has pioneered many changes, including groundbreaking research, new medicines and innovative techniques.
With news about UAB’s first peer-reviewed, published transplant of genetically modified pig kidneys into a brain-dead human individual, there are many questions about what this means for the future of transplant and how this will save countless lives moving forward.
In the study published in the American Journal of Transplantation, UAB researchers tested the first human preclinical model for transplanting genetically modified pig kidneys into humans.
Jim Parsons’ legacy paves the way for thousands to potentially receive lifesaving organs through UAB’s xenotransplantation program.
The human preclinical model at UAB provides important knowledge before a Phase I clinical trial can begin for living human recipients. Decades of work by researchers across the world preceded UAB’s first clinical-grade pig kidney xenotransplant.
From its incompatible kidney transplant program to deceased donor programs, to xenotransplantation, UAB continues to seek ways to help patients who face end-stage renal disease.
Record $95 million Heersink lead gift to advance strategic growth and biomedical innovation.
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The Journal of Pakistan Medical Association reported in 2016 that 69.6 percent of registered medical doctors were male.
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