Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

UAB and Children’s of Alabama welcome a new director of Pediatric Hospital Medicine.
A UAB sports medicine physician says the NBA bubble shows that masking and social distancing strategies are working to control coronavirus.
The flu vaccine can prevent the flu entirely, or limit the severity and duration of a bout with the disease.
Drs. Vickers and Pisu will use a $3 million, five-year National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities grant to study barriers that may exist for GI cancer patients to access quality cancer surgery in Alabama and Mississippi.
Low or limited health literacy is common among adults in the United States and may affect health outcomes in many ways, according to the government’s Healthy People 2020.
UAB’s same-day joint replacement surgery program is helping patients get back to doing what they love.
These potent CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses were stimulated in the lungs following a single intranasal administration.
New recommendations for sexual behavior counseling suggest that shorter, more frequent sessions in a clinical setting can be valuable. 
The STEP program will ease pediatric patients with chronic conditions into adult clinics at UAB as they outgrow pediatric settings.
The A.S.P.E.C.T program’s goal is to empower individuals to be engaged in their eye health in every way. 
Many individuals with hearing impairment, no matter the degree, use some degree of lip-reading while communicating.
UAB and Polish researchers propose that the COVID-19 virus acts as a microRNA “sponge” to deplete miRNA levels in ways that aid viral replication and stymie the host immune response.
This was the first study to evaluate the impact of exercise on objective sleep outcomes in persons with Parkinson’s disease.
UAB’s Jessica Grayson, M.D., digs deeper into the mysterious phenomenon of losing your sense of smell after becoming infected with COVID-19.
A long time UAB rheumatologist has been named director of division in the UAB School of Medicine.   
The grant awarded to Kent Willis, M.D., will further his research in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a chronic lung disease that is a common complication of premature birth.
Kenny Mayfield lost his sense of smell in early March. Months later, it still has not returned, a side effect of COVID-19 that he is working to regain.
This new initiative will promote an accommodating and positive experience for all guests and fans with a sensory issue that visits our clinics and hospital. 
UAB’s Department of Family and Community Medicine will launch new programs aimed at reducing the projected shortfall of 600 primary care physicians in the state by 2030.
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