Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

The Center of Excellence designation provides funding and linked research opportunities for the member clinics.
Blood shortages are common in the summer months, and COVID-19 has played havoc with usual donation patterns.
Knowledge of the specific flagellins that drive the pathogenic immune response in Crohn’s disease is a step toward a potential preventive treatment.
In a study conducted among more than 1.3 million American adults, UAB investigators found that Alabama and Southern states have the worst cardiovascular health, citing higher death totals due to cardiovascular causes.
Physicians treating heart disease with anti-coagulants should factor the presence of kidney disease into their decisions on medications.
As president, Pollock leads a new slate of officers of the American Physiological Society for 2021.
CABG is a commonly performed, lifesaving surgery for patients with heart attacks and severe disease of the heart’s blood vessels. Avoiding a surgery like CABG due to fears of COVID-19 has “drastic implications.”
This is the first study on older drivers — most of whom had vision impairment — that ties actual at-fault crashes and near-crashes, identified through in-vehicle sensors and confirmed by video, to the visual characteristics of drivers.
Starting in August, Keneshia Kirksey, M.D., will serve two five-year terms as a member of the physician board of directors for the ABPMR.
New research from UAB demonstrates that the timing of branch chain amino acid consumption has significant implications for cardiac health and disease.
The study bolsters the idea that inflammation is linked to Parkinson’s disease, and points to differences in how men and women respond to the disease.
The lab’s clinical expertise combined with the powerful diagnostic capability of its instruments will allow UAB to offer patients increasingly targeted, personalized treatment.
Vickers, who is a world-renowned surgeon, pancreatic cancer researcher and pioneer in health disparities research, will take the reins of the foremost surgical association in the United States for 2021.
In October 2020, amid a global pandemic, the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute launched the Southeast’s first uterus transplant program — only the fourth of its kind in the United States.
A bilingual speaker of Japanese, Leanna Miku Crafford volunteered with a nonprofit health care clinic, did research in microbiology and led the Japanese Culture Club. She will graduate May 1 with honors magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology.
This 3D-printed anatomical finger model is a low-cost ultrasound training tool for procedural guidance in corticosteroid injections.
Jayme Locke, M.D., MPH, is director of the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute and Division of Transplantation. In all, Locke’s three R01 grants have totaled more than $10.5 million.
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