Displaying items by tag: department of chemistry

The Alabama Music Teachers Association named Wagner the winner in the prestigious College Concerto category, and she will now perform at the AMTA state conference.
The Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship provides sophomore students with hands-on, practical experience in NOAA-related science, research, technology, policy, management and education activities.
This is the first example of a chelator-free-radiolabeled polymersome capable of a long-term multiday positron emission tomography, or PET, imaging study in vivo.
Eugenia Kharlampieva’s commitment to high-caliber diabetes and cancer research using polymer chemistry has earned her recognition as the 2022 Ireland Prize recipient.
Grants totaling more than $3 million have been awarded to UAB researchers in Chemistry and Physics by the Department of Energy, signaling continued investment in UAB projects.
With this R35 award, a UAB chemistry professor will further research into protein-protein interaction and test structural findings in cells.
At UAB, undergraduate students with a passion for medicine have the option to receive a specialized degree in cancer biology — a degree found nowhere else in the country.
The biodegradable nanovehicles accumulated in human breast cancer tumors in mice after systemic injection, and they inhibited oncogene expression and extended survival of the mice.
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