Displaying items by tag: honors college

Public health graduate students Neha Kaushik and Sagar Kaushik, along with Esha Kaushik, senior in psychology, siblings originally from Weston, Connecticut, are supporting the education and medical aid of women in underprivileged areas of India through the nonprofit organization One Life at a Time.
Anisha Das, senior in neuroscience, plans to enlist UAB student volunteers to serve as personalized computer skills tutors for residents of Birmingham’s Highland Manor assisted-living facility.

Armand Fernandez, a junior in health-related programs, wants to establish a fast, free and discreet condom-delivery service to UAB students living in residence halls.
Rebecca Massey, a sophomore biology major, plans to pair undergraduate student mentors from UAB with underprivileged high school students from Birmingham City Schools.
Sean McMahon, a senior in public health, and Aarin Palomares, a senior in public health and a fifth-year Master of Public Health student, want to decrease infection rates associated with lack of sanitary feminine hygiene products and create economic opportunity for women living in a refugee camp in Turkey.
Aileen Jong, senior in philosophy, Michelle Nguyen, senior in neuroscience, and Clara Wan, senior in biology, are bringing attention to a little-discussed issue: menstrual hygiene management.
UAB Honors College enrollment has more than doubled since 2012, and new initiatives and programs continue to garner great feedback from students.
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Best of 2015The computer brains inside autonomous vehicles will be fast enough to make life-or-death decisions. But should they? A member of UAB’s national championship-winning Bioethics Bowl team — and the team’s coach, a renowned bioethicist — weigh in on a thorny problem of the dawning robot age.
Approximately 600 students apply for the Hertz Fellowship each year; only 15 percent are invited for a first-round interview.
Sophomore Eamon Griffith of Birmingham won first place in the Young Artist category, while junior Aleksandra Kasman of Vestavia Hills was named the alternate winner.
UAB freshman Priya Shah is already a veteran in the lab. In her senior year of high school, she began a tissue-engineering project with UAB researcher Joel Berry, Ph.D., that has led to national honors — and could eventually affect patients worldwide.
UAB junior Aleksandra Kasman outplayed 33 talented pianists to win first place at the International Keyboard Institute and Festival.
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