Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

Santa just happens to have a lot of risk factors for diabetes, and UAB has some suggestions to keep him coming to town for a long time.
Ford’s book presents studies of various kinds of liars, including pathological liars, con artists and people who deliberately injure themselves in order to fake illness.

Weakened immune systems due to diseases like cancer cause increased risk of severe complications from the flu virus — experts advise vaccine shot, not mist.

PNP Therapeutics, UAB and Southern Research Institute work abolishes otherwise unmanageable human cancers in preclinical rodent studies.

A bioptic telescope, and the expertise of the UAB Driving Assessment Clinic, can help people with low vision get a driver’s license.
Callahan Eye Hospital is working to bring this Birmingham visual landmark back to its initial, colorful glory after 30 years of sun exposure.
The UAB Callahan Eye Hospital celebrates its 50th anniversary as Alabama’s only eye specialty hospital.
Researchers at Southern Research Institute and UAB tackle five common myths about the flu, and stress the importance of getting a flu shot.
As a member of the School of Medicine senior leadership team, Toni Leeth will work to ensure growth goals outlined in AMC21, the UAB Medicine strategic plan, are being met.
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This group, newly established as an AES committee, is charged with promoting and tracking progress in areas targeted as potential epilepsy benchmarks by NINDS.
Assistant dean of Graduate Medical Education says election to post a “huge honor” for him professionally.
The largest-ever multicenter, prospective study on the safety of bariatric surgery among adolescents finds they face few short-term complications.
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The story of the use of anesthesia in the Civil War, from the very different experiences of a private and a general, according to the world’s first academic anesthesiology history unit.
The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, housed at UAB, estimates that there are 270,000 people living with spinal cord injury in the United States.
UAB experts have advice on how to slow aging, and how this can help with appearance and self-esteem.
Counting carbs, exchanging candy for other treats and saving it for dessert are all alternatives for parents to consider.
Ballroom-dance intervention seeks to improve health, relationships for women with reproductive cancers and their partners – participants receive free dance lessons.
Mitochondrial DNA determines oxidant levels and may further explain why some people get sick and others don’t.
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