Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

The ACP is the largest medical-specialty organization in the United States.

Men are more likely to get kidney stones than women, but you can avoid the pain.

UAB simulation training using sophisticated mannequins helps students learn to work together in patient care.

UAB investigators will examine new technology, including iPads, as better tools to explain research studies to potential participants.

UAB study finds college students surfing mobile Internet while crossing street more than twice as likely to be hit or have a close call.

Lower your risk for a slew of illnesses — and save money — by having yearly physical examinations, UAB experts say

Run to support Equal Access Birmingham's health care access programs.

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UAB experts say that while physical activity is necessary for both men and women, there are gender-specific benefits that women need to know.

The Division of Nuclear Medicine is now the Division Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics.

People with spina bifida now routinely live into adulthood; UAB’s Adult Spina Bifida Clinic handles their changing needs with one-stop shopping.

Black men and women have twice the risk of fatal coronary heart disease as whites, but the disparity could be eliminated with better risk factor control.

UAB students will provide wellness care for underserved patients at a new free clinic.

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The ACP is the largest medical-specialty organization in the United States.

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