Blazers Against Hunger is UAB’s one-day giving event to fight food insecurity on campus and help employees in need with funds directly supporting Blazer Kitchen and its mission.
UAB is one of only six centers in the world with this technology, which enables 3D device visualization using light to guide navigation of wires and catheters through blood vessels.
Two senior Department of Art and Art History students have their research exhibited at UAB’s Art Lab from Nov. 16-19.
UAB has been awarded a new TRIO grant for an Educational Opportunity Center that will provide free community-based education services to disadvantaged adults looking to pursue their GED completion or continued education.

The infusion therapy can help shrink tumors that are otherwise inoperable.

NIH selects UAB and UA as research sites for a longitudinal study on child development since pregnancy. 

New techniques and understanding of hip disorders are leading to new ways to prevent or treat hip deterioration.
Appointments are encouraged and can be made by visiting or calling 205-975-1881 for assistance.
UAB’s Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is accepting submissions for the fifth annual “Word from the Mountaintop” MLK Oratory Contest.
UAB’s Collat School of Business continues to blaze the path for future generations.
After 21 years of service, Natalie Vines was medically retired from the military due to severe vision issues caused by two traumatic brain injuries. With treatment from UAB Eye Care, Vines has seen improvement in her vision.  

The 10-week trial will include meals provided by study investigators.

Guinness World Records officially named Curtis Means, born at 21 weeks and one day at UAB Hospital, the most premature infant to survive.

Young cancer survivors are at higher risk of developing subsequent HPV-related cancers than the general population, but less likely to receive the HPV vaccine. Findings from the first clinical trial of its kind support making HPV vaccination a routine part of oncologic care for all young cancer survivors, researchers say.

Three social work master’s students have secured prestigious fellowships with the Council on Social Work Education.
A UAB doctoral candidate received a $600,000 grant to further her work in promoting the preservation of LGBTQ history.  
A research grant provides opportunity to develop next-generation devices with application in quantum metrology, low-energy consumption spintronics and optoelectronic applications.
UAB Department of History is hosting an event that will explore the French occupation of Syria and its impact on anti-Western radical Islamism.
CORD will develop educational modules for students in grades 4 through 6 in Perry County, Alabama, to equip students and their families with accurate information about COVID vaccines.
The partnership between UAB and Tuskegee will build a community of scientists committed to inclusive excellence.