The UAB School of Optometry is offering free eye examinations for infants between 6 and 12 months.
Kazamel’s duties will include planning more than 45 workshops on topics ranging from electromyography to neuromuscular ultrasound.
UAB gynecologic oncologist Huh will serve in a leadership role within a national gynecologic organization.
Lauched in partnership with The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research in 2014, the program provides resources for top centers to train new clinician-researcher movement disorder specialists.
A UAB School of Public Health professor was recently honored for her contributions in epidemiology.
Conflict between friends in the workplace could impact productivity, according to a business study.
Teen Health Week will promote healthy behaviors in adolescents and young adults in the Birmingham community.   
As UAB celebrates its 50th anniversary, the university will also celebrate 50 hours of giving during “I Heart UAB Giving Days” on April 16-18.
A new discipline sits at the intersection of neuroscience and engineering, where lessons learned from circuits, networks and chips are combined with the latest findings on brain circuitry.
The 2019 Fiesta Ball will support the work of young cancer scientists at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.
This three-day convention includes competitive gaming tournaments, tabletop games, workshop and panels, free film screenings daily, a cosplay contest and more.
Award-winning author Diane McWhorter visits UAB for a book signing and lecture.  
The health officer for the Jefferson County Department of Health will present the annual State of Health in Jefferson County Address on April 2 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Department of Biology researchers will be honored in Switzerland this summer.
Six UAB women are honored as the Outstanding Women for 2019 by the Commission on the Status of Women in celebration of Women’s History Month.
The annual UAB Army ROTC Military Ball continues its legacy of honoring cadets for their commitment to the nation.
Theatre UAB brings the story to life with an elaborately crafted elephant puppet, original music, dance, a dazzling array of costumes, artistic projections that whisk the action from St. Louis to the Congo and more.
A UAB School of Dentistry student will help lead the national, student-run professional organization. 
Mothers and their babies are visited by a nurse through pregnancy and the first two years of the child’s life to ensure the mother and baby are healthy and thriving.
According to the study, novel psychedelic use is rare, and the majority of people who reported using novel psychedelics were white men who were of college age or had recently graduated from college.