The musicians in Las Cafeteras sing in English, Spanish and Spanglish, and use their performances to inspire social change.
UAB’s GEAR UP Alabama director will advocate and provide professional development for educators across the United States.
Platelet blood cells can carry an enzyme needed to prevent clots, while hiding it from autoantibody neutralization.
School of Optometry professor receives a grant to develop methods of slowing the progression of myopia, also known as nearsightedness.
Large-scale quantitative analysis details the rise of anti-Semitism and how anti-Semitic content flows across mainstream and fringe web communities.
This week at UAB, student enrollment hits a new high, UAB Football plans to lift up kids at Children's Harbor in an upcoming game and a giant colon was served up — with coffee.
UAB’s student body is approaching 22,000 students, with growth reported in honors, out-of-state and dual-enrollment programs — all while retention numbers continue to climb.
The director of UAB’s Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute will present the groundbreaking work taking place in the institute and the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center to identify and treat cancer.
Pretreatment with the NSAID carprofen before experimental heart attack in mice caused a diminished resolution of acute inflammation.
One School of Optometry professor helped restore a patient’s vision and day-to-day life with sophisticated contact lenses.
Some 652 participants across four states will be recruited to test the effects of exercise and diet interventions in underserved cancer survivors.
Researchers will delve into the role of inflammation and the immune system in the worsening of Parkinson’s disease as UAB is named a Udall Center of Excellence.
Multiple Grammy Award winner and MacArthur Fellow Chris Thile is a mandolin virtuoso, composer and vocalist.
Grover takes permanent role after serving as interim CEO since November 2017.
Starting this fall, selected digital forensics majors could receive up to $4,000 toward tuition in addition to job and internship search support.
A world-renowned clinical researcher will discuss the role of biology, psychology and social influences in relation to chronic pain.
A number of school-based interventions have been developed to improve students’ emotional and behavioral functioning, but schools need to adjust their culture to ensure more lasting effects.
The study’s findings show the benefits of the ketogenic diet in cancer patients, and the authors hope to expand their research to see if it will also impact cancer treatment.
Long-lasting traumatic events such as Hurricane Florence tax our resiliency. A UAB expert shows you how to boost yours.
Approximately 20 percent of breast cancers found at screenings are in women ages 40-49, which is why breast imagers at UAB recommend women start having annual mammograms at age 40.