Three-year, $2 million PCORI grant will randomize 500 patients in a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a medication adherence intervention delivered by a community health worker.
While at UAB, Ailey II dancers will perform a free ArtPlay school show, with a demonstration by students in the ASC/Ailey II seasonlong residency.
During Ferrandi’s residency March 11-20, she will work with students, faculty, staff and the community to create “The Prosthetics of Joy,” with a free performance and exhibition.
Research exploring several new diagnostic strategies to find the earliest changes in the eye to detect glaucoma is underway at the UAB School of Optometry. One optometrist says awareness of this eye disorder is just as important as continuing to study it.
Townes is an internationally renowned researcher who is doing groundbreaking research in gene replacement for conditions such as sickle cell disease.
Leonard Sender, M.D., chairman of Stupid Cancer, the largest adolescent and young adult cancer survivor’s advocacy group in the United States, will be the featured keynote speaker.
His expertise includes positive clinical psychology, strength-based resilience, post-traumatic growth, multicultural psychotherapy and positive education.
The month will feature lectures, film screenings, community service, performances and more, with most events free and all open to the public.
Researchers at the UAB School of Public Health hope to learn how problem drinkers quit misusing alcohol on their own, so others with similar issues can benefit from their natural recoveries.
UAB's James Rimmer is the first researcher focusing on the fitness of people with disabilities to be named to the President's Council on Fitness.
Brain scans dispel assumptions about Internet safety, as well as show that critical-thinking skills and impulsivity are at work as users identify spam and phishing sites.
Cecilia Graham, P.T., Ph.D., has been awarded the American Physical Therapy Association Education Section’s Polly Cerasoli Lectureship Award.
The Salvador's Deli fundraiser March 2 will raise money to put art supply kits directly in the hands of visual arts teachers in Birmingham-area schools.
Twenty-eight students from Carver, Huffman, Parker, Ramsey and Woodlawn high schools will participate in the third annual Art Competition and Exhibition, March 5-8 at UAB.
Raymond Thompson, Ph.D., was named the Engineering Council of Birmingham’s Engineer of the Year at the organization’s 55th annual awards banquet.
An exhibition featuring the best works from studio art students will be on show March 19-April 18 in the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts.
88-year-old, 100th UAB TAVR patient, is ready to have her “get-go” back.
A project by ophthalmologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham will examine whether a partnership with community-based optometrists will improve detection and treatment of glaucoma, especially for high-risk populations.
Repeating easy passwords can leave users vulnerable, but new UAB research offers increased sophistication and ease with a second security factor.
UAB joins four other research universities as the most recent recipients of national education grant to address the shortage of highly trained STEM teachers in Alabama and beyond.