UAB senior Krishna Bhatt has won the Katherine Cooper Cater Fellowship worth $3,000 from Alpha Lambda Delta.

Joseph Olson, a junior in the UAB College of Arts and Sciences, has been awarded a scholarship to attend the prestigious Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)-RISE summer internship program.

UAB senior will teach English to middle- and high-school students and form a youth dance group

UAB biology graduate student Andrew Coleman was awarded a 2011 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship from the National Sea Grant.

Tigatuzumab, developed at UAB with Daiichi-Sankyo, targets aggressive, hard-to-treat tumors that make up 25 percent of all breast cancers

UAB’s Jim McClintock investigates the invasion, a bellwether of climate warming

Farley will direct campuswide student support services and lead the renovation and expansion of the Hill University Center

Cosmic radiation could be problematic for future astronauts’ arteries, but research could soon inform care for Earth-bound cancer patients.

Mallick Hossain of Gadsden has been named a 2011 Goldwater Scholar; three other UAB students named Goldwater Honorable mentions.

All tanning should be avoided, but you can still get a summer glow

UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center helps drop cancer disparities while brain tumor research holds promise for new therapies to fight gliomas