People of UAB - News
At UAB, Alexa Wade found inspiration, open lab doors and an adept mentor.
UAB psychology instructor will lead national organization devoted to the growth and development of the art therapy profession.
Courtney Bentley, Ed.D., has been named president-elect of the Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
S. Louis Bridges Jr., M.D., Ph.D., will serve as vice president of the Rheumatology Research Foundation.
Four awards are helping a School of Nursing student in her development as an early career nurse scientist.
Fobian is interested in reducing childhood and adolescent obesity by assessing new and innovative factors that may be successful in obesity interventions.
The award honors his distinguished contributions to neuroscience, particularly for discovery of gliotransmission.
A UAB researcher has received a 2017 Susan G. Komen grant to investigate combination drug therapies for HER2-positive breast cancer.
UAB student Justin Wiley and Sandra Sims, Ph.D., have been named Outstanding Future Professional of the Year and Physical Educator of the Year by the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
This award from the AABB honors the top paper published in the journal Transfusion.
Karen Meneses, Ph.D., professor and associate dean for Research and Scholarship, has been appointed to the National Institute of Nursing Research National Advisory Council, which helps guide NINR’s direction, through 2021.
From imagining peace to cancer awareness, posters designed by Professor Erin Wright are on exhibition from Colorado and México to Bolivia, China and Iran.
Infectious diseases professor at UAB will collaborate with researchers, policy experts and clinicians from across the country to provide nonpartisan, evidence-based guidance.
Fouad has worked to establish the validity of health disparities as a national scientific research priority.
This grant will fully support Kendra Royston’s research work within the UAB College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Biology throughout the spring of 2018.
Wilbanks’ work with the closed claims research team earned him the Researcher of the Year Award.
An article written by Division of Preventive Medicine Professor Stefan Kertesz, M.D., calls for better understanding, policy and treatment for opioid addiction.
A UAB researcher’s work on gender and quality of life in myasthenia gravis has been named the top abstract at a major neuromuscular disease professional meeting.

Started in 1981, the Mr. and Ms. UAB Scholarship Competition is one of UAB’s longest-standing Homecoming traditions.

A professor and senior associate dean for academic affairs in the UAB School of Nursing, Linda Moneyham will be inducted into the Alabama Nursing Hall of Fame for her many and far-reaching contributions to the field of nursing.
The National Geographic Early Career Grant will allow Amy Bonka to develop and implement new technologies for enhancing the recovery of critically endangered sea turtles.
Glaucoma affects more than 3 million people in the United States and is the leading cause of blindness in African-Americans.
John Mountz, M.D., Ph.D., and W. Winn Chatham, M.D., will be recognized by the ACR for education, research and clinical contributions to the field.
As one of 163 worldwide AEN fellows, Hallman was recognized for substantial contributions to emergency nursing.
An American Heart Association panel, including two experts from UAB, says the same healthy habits that can help ward off heart disease or stroke can also help prevent cognitive decline.
Nearly 200 surgeons are expected in Birmingham as UAB hosts the second annual national meeting of the Society of Asian Academic Surgeons.
Hadiyah-Nicole Green, UAB alumna, will be recognized by GE in a Grand Central Station display for research in cancer treatment.
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Endowed Chair in Health Economics at UAB is the School of Public Health’s first endowed chair.
Gary Peters, Ph.D., has been elected president of the Alabama Association of Professors of Educational Leadership.
Lisa Baker, Ph.D., has been selected to serve as an associate editor for the journal Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness.
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